While e-commerce was once limited to a few larger vendors, it has since evolved into becoming increasingly accessible, making it possible for anyone to sell products online. Many products are easy to send via dropshipping, reducing the resources you need to spend on your supply chain.

The concept of dropshipping is simple: source out a product you’d like to sell from a third-party merchant (like AliExpress), offer the same product on your e-commerce store for a couple bucks more, and when someone purchases it, order it from the third-party merchant to have it delivered straight to the customer. You keep the difference.

If you’re interested in starting a new e-commerce store, another unique way to separate yourself from the rest of the pack is to accept Bitcoin. When you receive Bitcoin from customer purchases on your dropshipping website, you can initiate orders off your credit card or with cash. Especially useful if you’re looking to earn Bitcoin without buying it directly.

Ready to start selling? Here's how to accept Bitcoin on your e-commerce store:

  1. Install one of our integrations on your platform.
    Blockonomics allows you to accept Bitcoin through various different e-commerce platforms using our plugins/modules. Make sure to check out this page so you can download it and seamlessly set up your Bitcoin checkout. You'll find tutorials on our YouTube and Support pages. 

  2. Set up a payment button or widget.
    Head over to our Merchants page, click on the Payment Buttons tab add in your Wallet's xPub key in the Wallet section. Then select Products and fill in your information, including the product name and description, and whatever info you need from your customers. 

    It's important to include instructions and a custom field specifying for customers to include their Order Number. You must know who’s paying! Also, make sure you select Donation Mode, this will allow your customers to input how much they need to pay. After you’re finished, click Generate Button or Generate Widget

  3. Build your own integration.
    If you have a custom website, you can easily accept Bitcoin using our API documentation. Payments go directly to your Bitcoin wallet. Check out our API documentation

Ran out of ideas? Find out 7 dropshipping options for accepting Bitcoin on e-commerce!